
An Argument for Numbers

Mathematical analysis of the universe is simply the acknowledgement that Quantity is an essential property of nature or reality. This is important because while many scientists are studying the breakdown of the universe into tiny bits of probability or quanta, or math, most of them are at a loss to explain or ask why. When scientists say "this is what we find", they do not say "why". Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. Science explains that according to the evidence nature seems to be locked into a patterns of behaving certain ways, so much so, that we can even predict with some accuracy the behavior of the properties, given a limited set of unknowns and data on initial states. Never does any of this reporting from science ever say why. It never says God does not exist, it never says he does exist, because it never asks why things are. Conversely, The Bible does not explain how things work. It doesn't explain how wheels are round, how one side of a mountain range gets rain and the other doesn't, or how when one plugs in a lamp and turns the switch, a light comes on. Other than a few short passages in Genesis "God created..." which is all on one page, versus the other 1300 or so (depending on your version) it never once explains anything quantitatively or concretely. And creationists or intelligent design (that God sure is a prankster!) seem to swear up and down that the bible is God's word and it's all true. There are no concrete statements that relate directly to the contemporary world to invalidate! Conversely there is little to none science (including evolution which is a PROVEN theory, and is NOT the theory of common ancestry, is NOT the theory of primordial earth!) that disqualifies anything in The Bible. Which is a book. That can serve as a record. And is a collection of stories. But ,as a book, is inwards. It's in the mind, and must be tempered with reason. Also science mostly is outwards and tempered with reason. It's a bunch of theories and equations and yes, numbers. And that's the true physical reality. We want to make more powerful microscopes to see smaller and smaller. It doesn't work that way. Light doesn't operate on those molecular levels. Because an image of something doesn't make it real. Science in this last century has gone deeper and deeper into what everything is made up of. And it's made up of numbers and thoughts. Why numbers and thoughts? Scientists aren't used to playing that game and the religions of world aren't capable of answering, they've become irrelevant. And that's why science, even though it has been wrong a few times and is still wrong on a lot of stuff, works. Mathematical analysis of the universe is simply the acknowledgement that Quantity is an essential property of nature or reality.