
Finally! A reason to go mad with a glass of 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon.

Oh man. While doing dishes I uncovered a coffee cup with some sort of larvae or worms in them. The cup didn't smell at all. There was just a milliliter of some light brown liquid. Whether I drank parasites or not is not really a worry.

Actually I'm pretty excited. Because I've always thought (from watching many episodes of MASH growing up) that you couldn't just say "I'm crazy!" or even act crazy. You had to have a good reason. A traumatic event that your mind never recover from, or a disease that made you crazy, or a stroke or something. Well now I have...

"I drank worm eggs."

Not the sexiest of reasons to go absolutely bonkers I know. And yeah, I'm blowing this out of proportion. Because I 'm sure we eat parasites on regular basis. They're probably just a part of sharing space in an eco-system whether we like or not. So truthfully, whatevers. But in another way...

Totally Gross! And also I will tell you, that this was either Jasmin Tea from an expensive tea shop, OR a major brand or instant cocoa. Either way, I'm done with microwaving my water for tea/coffee drinks. BOILED WATER ONLY! No just kidding. But really I will make sure the water IS boiling hot from now on (with my handy dandy kitchen thermometer).


In addition. I have never seen these before in all my years of neglected coffee cups with something growing in them. I am a fairly messy person, but not unsanitary. I do all the dishes, so sometimes I get a few days behind when I'm busy.


Dial "L" for Lost

Dial "L" for Lost

This will only be available for download till the New Year! Enjoy Internet!


Solo Dance Party!

Hey Internet!,

Here is first in series of videos from a two-hour completely improvised, looping performance called "I Am A Strange Loop". The title I borrowed from Douglas Hofstadter's book of the same name. Hofstadter is great writer, I recommend all his books. The performance occurred over two days the first on 4/22/2007 the second on 4/23. I will edit some of it (removing some awkward moments) but just barely.



A burnt cashew sold to me in bag of "Whole Raw Cashews"

Umm, one small question for my local store - Down to Earth. Why is there a burnt cashew in my RAW cashews? Maybe someone else sold you the "raw" cashews this way. I don't know. Suspicious.


In case you didn't know...

Metal detecting friggin rocks!

Well, except for pull tabs, balled up chewing gum foil, and aluminum cans buried 12 inches the ground. The other day I found three full and unopened cans of Asahi beer buried in a plastic bag about 10 inches down. People are weird.
