
Cuervo Black + Diet cola + Spinach!

This morning I made an Egg cheese and spinach burrito for breakfast.

Yeah thats how I roll. I guess that most the spinach crap is over. Is it? Any how what pissed me off about the spinach thing is that called for a general ban on spinach. Never mind that there are E. coli everywhere. Yes folks everywhere. How do you think it ended up on the spinach? If you read the reports they basically say "Well. It could of come from anywhere." The irony that pisses me off about it is that for spinach the FDA or USDA can say... "Yeah fuck spinach for while until we figure who took a shit on our spinach." All this because a hundred or so cases of food poisoning.

Meanwhile when it comes to the meat industry... nothing stops the slaughter house. Nevermind there aren't conclusive tests for BSE (mad cow), and while brain and cortical matter doen't go into the human food chain, it goes into pig and chicken feed. And that prions the contagen of Transmissible Spongiform Encephlopathy (TSE) which are almost industructible (even by incineration) somhow magically dissappear in pigs and chickens (yeah right). That pigs could have TSE's only they never live long enough to see symptoms. That in the study that "conclusively" showed that BSE infected meat causes variant-CJD in mice, also showed it caused signature sporadic-CJD in other mice (not so sporadic is it?). Which coincidentally has increased in this country over the last decade although hospitals aren't required to report it to the CDC. Several hundred people a year are told. "you have sporadic CJD and about six months to live." They probably ask if they have mad cow disease and I'm sure the doctors say tell them no that's vCJD and you have sCJD.
And... Alzheimer cases have increased twenty percent. And the pathology of both CJD and Alzheimer's disease are the very similar. Both are protein related diseases, both cause spongiform holes in the brain. The symptoms are the same. Actually 1% of all Alzhiemer deaths are later (post-mortem) found to be CJD.

So I, the vegetarian who doesn't lecture people or fake stomach pains after eating meat, will use this moment to say...

I'll take my chances with the spinach, and you can risk one of "the worst ways to die." Hate to be so cheerful but you fuck with spinach and I bring on the harsh realities. Enough said.


p.s. I am finishing the last of my homemade Umeshu. Which I made from Japanese green plums (Ume), vodka, and sugar, and a tiny amount of H20. It tastes like delicious brain damage. You can by a brand called Choya but it's like 18$ a liter. And my stuff is stronger and more tart. Washes the taste of spinach right out ya mouth.

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