
Where my Blog title comes from...

Hello. I am too busy with major freakin' deadlines right now. but I thought I would post something old in the place of some thing new. This is not an old post but rather a small bit of writing that shows where I got my Blog title from. Although no one has EVER asked, here it is for you ponder-ation.

By looking into X- ray diffraction of metals-crystals and other solids it would be possible to look at the space of certain compounds and crystals. Of importance, and my suspicion is there are links to not only the structure of the particles of matter, but also, the vacuum between them. Consider this, electrons around a nucleus aren't particles until they leave the atom. And in crystals and metals you have atoms lined up in a certain structure sharing valences. Although in smaller atoms we tend to think of electron clouds, as a sort of atmosphere or shell around the nucleus, but as the atomic number gets higher, the outer shells, are not really shell like and there is the possibility that congruous vacuum spaces could line up, or order in different structures, causing different kinds of resonances. In this way, seemingly dull but large molecules, like proteins, enzymes, and other organic molecules could do mysterious things. Consider the brain. So dull, gray and squishy, but does incredible feats of processing, regulation, and information handling. Two out of ten points for style but 9 out of 10 for results.



I wrote a joke. It goes like this...

Knock. Knock.
Who's there?
Chicken Butt.
Chicken Butt who?
To get to the other side.

Not too funny, I know, but try it on someone. It might work a little.

How come I can go to bed at 11:30 PM, wake up at 4~5 AM , and be completely awake and wide eyed. But if I go back to bed and get say 2~3 more hours sleep I wake up in a knuckle dragging stupor? This morning I got up instead of going back to bed because I have a angry sore throat that was in need some hot ginger tea. It's amazing how awake I am compared to most mornings during the last few months.

It's also a possibility that because I took a Vicodin a few hours before I went to bed, that I somehow slept deeper than I usually do. I'm in need of a root canal, and the Vicodin is to manage the pain until I get that worked out. Funny thing is though I know hydrocodone is a narcotic pain reliever and naturally a sedative, it doesn't make me tired just more little slower and more calm, which makes me feel I can concentrate more on doing something. Like this morning, I totally feel like getting up and getting shit done, early. Which, is what I'm doing now.

And so yeah, while I know being addicted to painkillers is the hip thing do now a days, I don't want to & can't keep taking Vicodin after my root canal. But it's got me thinking that I should go to the doctor (since I have insurance, but really going to the doctor is always the last thing I think of...) to ask about possible diagnosis and medication for adult ADD.

Because I think I have become exhausted with trying to find things interesting and with trying remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago. And it creates this ever present dissatisfaction with whatever is happening at the moment, which then gets translated into a list of questions...

Maybe I....
am hungry?
need a drink?
need a cigarette?
need something from the store.
I just need to go outside.
a cup of coffee?
just need to paint.
actually I could go to the library, more research.
should take a nap/ clear my mind.

And one of these things might work 1 in 5 times to settle me down to work some more, that is if I can get my mind back on track to what I was doing. Who knows? Does anybody else feel this way.


p.s. I recently downed the Rev. Horton Heat album Lucky 7 because I am looking into trying playing a surf / rock-a-billy sound in my band. It is high energy, back woods, hot rod, goodness. Highly recommended.


No more A.A.

I've pinned a red A to the sidebar of my blog. It's part of a campaign by RichardDawkins.net to get people to "come out" as it were, as Atheists. Please click on it to find more. And so there it is. I am an "Atheist" by most definitions, because I don't believe there exists a (or many) God(s).

However. If you were to ask me to explain further, if I believe in anything... Well yes I do.

I believe in morality. That is to say, I believe people act in some accord to what they think is 'right' or 'wrong'. Although I think right/wrong are in many cases a matter of perspective, I think if statistically analyzed, the strategies associated with ethical & compassionate behaviors, while often difficult and illogical at times (public service, turning the other cheek, etc.) are actually more socially effective than those associated with unethical-unempathetic behaviors (aggression, greed, etc.). And it has absolutely nothing to do with any super-natural system of post-death reward & punishment.

I believe that the thing we call "our life" is historically unique. That is to say. There are no second lives. Everyone's and every thing's life is unique. There is no second chance for redemption. For instance, I am also a vegetarian. I don't believe eating meat is bad for my karma, or a more righteous than eating meat. I hold my life dearly. I don't want to be killed for food. And so I don't want to intentionally suffer that upon other animals, because they had the unfortunate luck to be tasty and un-cute. You (like every thing else) are here for a short time, why add to the amount of suffering in the world?

I believe in reason. And there is more than one kind of logic just as there is more than one kind of spatial geometry. And so yes. I believe much of science is right about many of the things civilization has studied so far. But, I also am not a strict positivist, and believe science is not seeing the full picture on many things cosmological. There is so much mystery and wonder left in the universe to examine and ponder. If you disagree, and think everything is practically known (that should or could be known) then you are asleep/blind. Wake the fuck up, and take the afternoon off to go the park and just watch the clouds overhead for a few hours.

I believe Atheism is NOT a religion. Religion is another term for spiritual fascism. Everything that you do is spiritual. The way you move, tie you shoes, how fast you chew your food, do you use pens or pencils, basically everything. Especially music. Anything that makes you think or feel or imagine, is mind altering and spiritual. There isn't one kind of music that's spiritual and one thats not (how absurd). Religions (most anyway) demand that you interpret the world you encounter, one way. One metaphysical truth, one ontology, one grand narrative, one interpretation, one meaning, one answer, and no questions.

I believe freedom isn't a passive activity. You are personally responsible for who you are, and who you become, period. Your religion will never free you. Neither will your government - which should always stay secular. The U.S. government cannot free other nations. Freedom only comes from self-realization (stress on the real). Don't be a passively agnostic Charlie Brown who just ends up going along with crowd because it's Christmas, and you don't want to upset anybody during the holidays. You were born an atheist, and having the courage to tell your family with confidence (when or if it comes up) that actually, you are an atheist (while it may not be pretty) will be liberating.

To sum up...

I am an atheist.
Atheists are NOT nihilists.
I believe in Morals, Compassion, Reason, and Freedom.

If you are an atheist... please, step up and Stand Out.
