
Blunt Force CSS

I got tired of seeing that damn box at the top of the "Minima" design of Blogger templates. So I spent something like 5 hours clicking back and forth, looking up bits of CSS code/hacks in order to re-do my blogger template...


Yeah it's not super fancy or complex, but it's what I wanted. Without getting too much into the mysterious world of CSS. I basically took a photo from my vacation, screwed around with it in The GIMP, sliced it into a header and body, added my blog title, uploaded it to some server space on my school's file server, and then started editing CSS.

And by editing CSS, I mean change some thing, hit preview, change it back or differently, hit preview, study someone else's CSS, try that, get confused,hit preview, try some other things, hit preview, assure myself that there is some form of sanity behind CSS, erase that line, hit preview 100 more times, ...and repeat for several hours!

My wife actually asked me if I wanted to eat lunch after I had been bent over my laptop for 4 hours and I replied, "No! I have to figure this out."

Actually, I could not find any comprehensive on-line guide pages for CSS, but I will say www.csszengarden.com is a great place to study CSS. You can find a CSS trick you like and then study it to try to reproduce that trick in your own page.


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