
The shallowest iMac ever!

I have tried to be nice to Apple computers, because lots of nice people I know use and like their products. But...

It's ironic that Mac sells itself as being hip and cool, but the language used in their marketing sounds as if it is espousing a certain aesthetic and body image. For instance I got an email ( as I regularly do ) from Apple selling it's latest new thing. The ad's caption in bold print says "You can't be too thin. Or too powerful." Really...are you marketing to Paris Hilton? And while usually I might forgive this kind of thing as just marketing, the ad says "You" not computers, mp3 players, or cell phones (which would have been acceptable). The subject line read "Introducing the new iMac and iLife '08." Seeing as how much of our social being is projected in and through the technology we use as a quasi-cybernetic extension of ourselves... Apple I think you've just revealed just how plastic and loose your ideals are.


And so Apple, while you started to look enticing for a while, your marketing reminds me of the kinds of people I can't stand to be around. Popular, over rated, overly concerned with outer appearances, with market share, unwilling to admit faults, mean spirited and ugly when it suits you, and also shallow.

Personally I'm unsure what words express how disturbed I feel that many qualities of the idyllic digital technology device / code espouses all the characteristics, I find I despise in the average citizen including myself (so just go and marinate on that).

BTW... If you need an album to listen to try "Reconstructed... for your listening pleasure", a live recording of a 2004 concert by Art of Noise. It is unusual in that it has moments of sheer beauty and energy and humor and dynamism. Give it a listen through a quality sound system and an open mind.


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