
Mass is not the stuff of the universe.

(This is an old journal entry, but so nessecary, to understand alot of arguments I will be making in the future. So enjoy!)

The conventional model of the universe is that all bodies are made up of stuff. That stuff is matter and all this stuff (matter) is floating about in a shitload of space. It's important that there be plenty of space for matter to float about in, so the universe is presently expanding. Let me start by saying that the conventions about the universe (if you can call it that) are at best incomplete, but probably total guesswork. From my observations I can make totally differrent conclusions about physical reality (because that's what it really is, not a silly word like universe with all its erroneous conotations). To begin.

The conventional idea of space, is just that. It's a bunch of nothing for something to float about in. I would conclude from the scientific endevors and evidence published around the world that it is precisely the opposite. It is the stuff of the "universe", and that matter is just abubble, a pocket of nothing. Blackholes are not singularities, or anomalies. You get enough matter together it will start to condense, just like a gas suspended in a liquid, in a foam. Foam is the equilivelent to what we commonly think of as matter. Some bubbles when squeezed together will condense and form a larger bubble of pure gas. Think of blackholes. Theoretically and semi~observationally they are big holes, in the universe created by a super ( but not infinite) concentration of matter. Scientists call them singularities, because they don't exist, or don't conform to the regular laws of the universe. But this hole of nothing is caused by stuff inside of it. In side where? The black hole literally doesn't exist within the laws of this reality. But as more mass falls into the hole and the event-horizon gets larger. The black hole, and ultimately the question or problem of gravity is this. How does mass or matter bend space? This is the craziest of proposals since space does not in present scienticfic measure ment exist. Its the vacuum. The idea of space bending in its mathematical accuracy or its abity to explain observations, shows the weakness of our present assumptions on the nature of physicall reality.

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