
The Power of Simulacra.

The most volatile part of Baudrillard's idea(s) about simulacra, is that we live in a simulacrum. Not actually fourth-order "pure simulacra" but on the third-order. This is where our consciousness resides. Let me explain. Let's assume there is a basic wide spread reality. When we look at it with our eyes, we sense an image. Now this image is a projection on our retinas, upside down and backwards. This masks or replaces the reality, which are actual physical objects. This image is transmitted via electrical nerve impulses to our brains. At our brain the signals are then compared, and information about depth is constructed along with the two images being almost seamlessly patched together. It's then sent, or fed into, or compared with our memory, and our consciousness.

Our consciousness resides here on this third level/order of simulation. Where an absence of a basic reality is masked. Therefore we can't tell, our sense of reality, through our normal senses. It may prove interesting to consider if the mind malfunctions, and creates images from memory or other senses. When memory is fresh, this now fourth order simulation (pure simulacra), with no connection to reality, maybe hard to detect. As it becomes apparent a persons conciousness is now relying on fourth-order simulation, we recognize this as madness or insanity. Also consider, when we dream. Usually, to my experience, it is only through examination of the circumstances, that I recognize a dream. Only then, when I compare it to a normal third order experience, through examination of circumstances, that I recognize a dream. Only when I compare fourth order to third order (PINCH ME!) am I convinced that this dream does not exist, or is not connected to reality.

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