
Coffee with Baileys and the bad Apple vs. PC ads...

These ads make the Apple/Macintosh company and Mac users seem annoyingly smug about themselves. Which I know quite a few Mac users and they’re not all that smug, a few are. Having a Mac does not make you cool.

These ads are comparing apples and oranges in they're comparing a computer brand (Mac) against a computer architecture (PC) instead of Mac vs. Dell or something much more comparable.

To add to the nonsense Macs are mostly the same architecture as PCs are now. You can now use Power Macs as PCs if you want, because there is essentially very little difference in the hardware components. They both now are using the same processors, same memory, same drives (DVD, HDD), and same buses (IEEE-1394, USB, etc). So these whole Macs vs. PC arguments are totally fatuous and actually incorrect. Because…

Macs are now PCs. Yes I know there are historical differences between those to, but they no longer exist. All the new Macs are just a brand of PCs. Sorry Mac users (the smug ones only), in the end you lost your little “Macs are so much better” battle, because your company went to the other side. Oh yes! Only they don’t want you to think them as PCs… I wonder why?

Actually, You could buy a cheaper and likely more powerful desktop or laptop (it won’t be as pretty I agree), install a free (a four letter word to Apple and MS) Linux based version of Mac’s OSX or Tiger or whatever, and run all your Mac software or PC or Linux software on it, because they are all the same hardware.

Don’t confuse “Windows” with “PC”. There are two different things. Actually the whole, “I come ready to make movies and web pages” statement is so much bullshit. Windows actually came up with that idea with the dreaded Windows Millennium Edition. Macs used to come with NOTHING but Quicktime and a text editor and calculator. So the whole “I come with software” BS is something they wised up to, not something they started. And let’s be real. They don’t come with Professional i.e. quality software like, Photoshop or Aperture or Premiere or Avid or Final Cut, Macromedia studio, etc, etc. No computer does. They come with “iDink” and “iCrap” and “iReally am never going to use this much without Apple taking even more of my money”

As per the whole viruses and malicious software, well that’s really a matter of what you call malicious. Like, spyware that tracks all your moves and purchases vs. your service provider tracking your moves and purchase (anonymously of course) and forcing you to use DRM software. If you don’t know, DRM stands for evil media corporation greed. And since Macs are now PCs viruses are a matter of a code rather than hardware, and the more Mac users... well Mac, you keep telling yourself your "safer". Sure you are.

Lastly they use up bandwidth, and make pages load slower, although all web ad movies are guilty of that. And I could go on and on but I'm stopping now to make breakfast. Cheers!


shakabusatsu said...

Thank you for so much for comment and acknowledinging the smug bit. I should clear something up in that, I HATE MICROSOFT. But I think MAC is not much better. Prettier yes. I think I said that. Faster in some areas sure, faster per dollar, probably not. The whole color issue is a software/hardware combination independent of OS more to do with videocard / monitor and gamma plug-in (Adobe) and if it's calibrated (which I admit in Mac systems are going to be more uniform because of lack of choices and therefore probably more accurate. Although I wasn't attacking MACS per se' but rather there advertising. Which is misleding, especially the Japaneese camera thing, because some Japaneese brands of periferals (cameras incl.) used to NOT work with Macs because the manufacturers never wrote drivers for them, so it's almost ironic (or flippant?, or dishonest? or humorous?) that they would flip those historical circumstances and use it in there ads. I don't think Macs are bad computers, I think Apple wants to become the next Micro$oft, which is dumb greedy and evil.

shakabusatsu said...


No. IBM no longer makes PCs (personal computers) just servers and stuff. And the first sentence should say "Thank you so much for commenting and acknowleding the smug bit."