
Tequila and Redbull Continued...

Baudrillard’s, theories of orders of simulacra, and simulacrum, are very important in that they logically point out how reality becomes separated from the past by rendering the meanings responsible and necessary for contextually connecting a phenomena with its history, entirely pointless. It doesn’t really matter if it takes 2 or 32 orders of simulation to sever the bonds between reason and observable effects, we’ve been there, and we need to be careful in how we treat reality, in all out philosophizing. Our evolution of thinking has come very far, very fast; let’s make sure we’re not lost, before we go to much further…

Also, I have something else I was just thinking while staring at the horizon. I think it has been shown it’s a finite world we live in. So, we are eventually going to run out of space and resources. So let’s start acting and talking like its really going to happen. Cheers!


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